In the fall of 2014, Jarrett Walker + Associates began work (under a subconsulting agreement with Kimley-Horn & Associates) on a Transit Investment Strategy for Wake County, North Carolina, part of the fast-growing Research Triangle region. Wake County has seen a number of plans and proposals relating to various transit investments over the past decade, none leading to a clear consensus or funded project. The Wake County Transit Investment Strategy will clarified the key tradeoffs inherent in Wake County’s transit choices and delivered a workable future plan based on concurrent outreach and input by stakeholders, elected officials, and the public. In December 2015, the Recommended Plan was released to the public.
JWA’s roles in this project include:
- Lead initial Transit Choices Report and subsequent revisions
- Lead all key meetings and decisionmaking exercises
- Lead and facilitate two Core Design retreats
- Lead development of Recommended Transit Network Plan Report
- Support Kimley-Horn and client public outreach efforts
- Support Kimley-Horn corridor governance, and financial analyses
Status: Ongoing
Duration: November 2014 – present